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Whether it’s tactical analysis, post-match, deep-dive interviews or sharp opinion pieces we have got you covered with a scale and depth nobody else can match. 

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Our confidence in this notion is so high, we’ve decided to offer the first 30 days of your subscription completely free.  

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And that’s because our passion for covering the club in as detailed a manner as possible is unyielding. 

We believe Rangers deserves to be covered with the respect and care befitting one of our country’s great institutions. Our writers know the club inside out and hold it close to their hearts.  

In the great tradition of local football writers the length and breadth of the country, we will look to be a champion of our team. 

We also want to hear from you.  

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Our daily Morning Briefings are open on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter to give you the chance to ask questions and make sure your opinion is heard. 

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We are certain you won’t regret it.