Kris Boyd has predicted that referees in Scotland could strike following the abuse of Kevin Clancy following the weekend's Celtic vs Rangers fixture.

Police Scotland have opened an investigation into alleged death threats of the whistler following the derby fixture in Glasgow.

Rangers boss Michael Beale claimed Clancy got two major decisions wrong, with the Ibrox club subsequently writing to the Scottish Football Association seeking an explanation for one of them – an early goal from Alfredo Morelos, which was disallowed.

On the abuse of the referee, Boyd reacted on Sky Sports News: “It's absolutely disgraceful. I think that it is someone trying to do their job and it doesn't matter how good or bad.   

“You can't have your personal stuff online, the police are obviously investigating now it's a disgrace.  

“As I said, it's someone who is doing the refereeing part-time. Unfortunately, that is the way it is in Scotland.  

“He also got a job to go to during the week and have to put up with the flak and everything he gets there as well.  

“We've already seen our best referee for a number of years, Bobby Madden walk away from the Scottish leagues, for refereeing.  

“There's been a few other ones involved in incidents now as well, from fans. And as I said, it's not good enough. It has to stop.  

“You get the feeling that if the referees have to come together, you wouldn't be surprised if they're on the verge of a strike or something because it can't continue.  

“Why would you want to jeopardise your own life to referee a game of football? As I said, people will say you get paid handsomely and everything, forget that your life is more important. 

“You’re a human being they make mistakes at the end of the day and I've said that before, you make mistakes the exact same way as players make mistakes in terms of finishing, passing and managers in their selections, you don't see people going chapping doors, not that that is right either.  

“But as I said, they feel as if the the way that referees are treated is an absolute disgrace and it's got to stop.”