Rangers manager Philippe Clement has been speaking ahead of Sunday's trip to Pittodrie to face Aberdeen.

Here is everything he had to say.

Are we going to see a different team and a different style of play?

No, I don't think we need to see another team. I think it's a stamp in this first four weeks in the way of playing and we'll continue with that. People always have big expectations about the national weeks that as a coach you can do a lot of things with the players. People always forget that a lot of players are gone and you cannot work with them because they're on international duty. It's also part of the job to bring them back in the story that we had before because they had other ideas and other ways of working in these last 10 days so that's also a part. In one part of the group we could fine-tune other things, physically, technically, tactically and mentally. We had some players who've returned from injury which we could work with and we had some internationals away so there's a lot of diversity in that.

Who is going to be available for the weekend?

I'm going to touch wood but I will talk now about who's out, it's a shorter list than who's back so I hope to keep it that way. Nico Raskin is still out and Ryan Jack is doubtful. He's not out yet but he's doubtful. Kemar Roofe is starting to train with the team during parts of the week. He did some full sessions, he did other days that he worked separately with the group and all the rest trained normally.

How big a boost is that for Sunday and beyond?

The important thing is we go into the next series of games, 12 games in 37 days so we're going to need a fit squad. We're going to need a large number of players to make a good rotation so that every second that they're on the pitch they can go 100 percent, that they can go to their maximum because that's the kind of football we want to see with the high tempo. It's going to be really important to keep everybody fit. I told them this morning also when I looked in this auditorium in the places you are sitting now, almost all of them played all the seven games in these four weeks so it's five games more in the next series and they all need to show that they're ready for that.

Do you expect the competitiveness to increase?

I've been quite satisfied about that. I've been satisfied about the levels in training, the focus, concentration, the dedication so that needs to continue but I know also the first weeks with a new manager it's always the honeymoon. Everything is new and everybody's expecting the chance. We start with a white page, now we need to see players who are not playing the first two or three games if they stay sharp.

Has the international break allowed you to sit back and assess things?

It's been different but it's been the same amount of work but in a different way because you could do other things that you could do less in the busy weeks when you have all the games. Also, at that moment, everybody from all the departments come into your office because they think you have a lot of time. I could spend a little bit of time with my wife also so I did that last weekend, that was nice so I have a lot of good points for the next couple of months.

Can you use the previous defeat to Aberdeen as motivation to the players?

 No, I don't think it works that way. I never work that way. The past is the past and every game has its own story. There are other players available now on both sides. It's an away game, that's not an advantage in that way. Every game has its own story and we need to focus on ourselves. If we would've won this game 6-0, it would not have meant a different preparation from me towards this game.

What did you take from Aberdeen's game against Celtic?

That it was not their best day. It's not an advantage for us because you know after a game like that you always have a team that wants to react and players who want to show that they are better. They are better also, they showed this in the last couple of months.

Can you tell us if there is any truth to rumours suggesting Ryan Kent may be returning in a loan deal?

I can tell you something really important for the next two months, I never go into rumours because it's no use. I will speak about players if they are in the building because I've been in football for more than 30 years and so many things can happen before a player is in the building or out the building. It's no use in talking about rumours with me because I can only say things when they are realistic and it's not about this case, I want to be clear about that. It's just in general for the next two months.

Are you making moves to extend Ross McCausland's stay?

We're talking with him about that. I have a good feeling about that but it needs to be on paper first.

Are you aware of other clubs approaching him?

I have no idea about that. That is always something for the player and his agent. I've been very clear about Ross. I could've treated the situation in a different way and let him sign a contract before letting him play. I didn't do that because I know how important Glasgow Rangers is for us. After his game against Livingston and a good performance, he also got the international call, that's because he started the game. I think we're on the right way and I have total trust it's going to be a positive story.

Do you agree with the notion that Aberdeen up their game again
st Rangers?

I cannot look back on the last months or years and how games were but I don't believe in those things, to be honest. I cannot believe that players are more motivated for one game than for another game. For sure, not when I'm a manager because the story would be very short for these players if they are not motivated for every game. I'm focused on my players and what they have to do. The rest is not important, it's irrelevant. We need to do our own things, we need to focus on ourselves and I want players who are there every game so I expect with other teams, it's the same.

Does your team have to step up ahead of the next round of games?

We have to step up. If we want to keep the same results we have to step up, there's no other choice. It's also what I want. I don't want players who are satisfied and think that's their end level. I think with this group, with a lot of work and a lot of concentration, they can still grow a lot as a team and as individuals. That's what they need to show now in these next five and a half weeks. It's going to be game by game. I hope we can win 12 games, that's my goal every time. I hope we can win the next 40 games, I want to win every time but until now I've been really disappointed about that in my career, it never happens. I know there will be bumps on the way. We just need to focus now, first on Aberdeen and I want the players only to be busy with that. I speak about 12 games because I want everybody to understand that they're all going to be necessary to be ready. It's not going to be with 11 or 14 players that we can reach our goals.

READ MORE: Rangers' state of the midfield and why it provides a puzzle for Philippe Clement

What are your options in midfield if Nico Raskin and Ryan Jack are out?

Yes, it's going to be interesting. It's another role that they've played before, the role that Ryan was doing so you need to look at other profiles. Do we need to pick out of the senior ones who are fit or do we need to pick out one of the youngsters? We need to see.

What does Rabbi Matondo offer you?

He can also play central and his best period in Belgium was as a second striker when they played with two strikers and had a lot of freedom. Rabbi is an electric player, he can eliminate players one-on-one with his through balls, with his action and with his speed. It's somebody really interesting to break open walls but, of course, he comes out of a long-term injury so we cannot expect him to get to his highest level from the first minute he plays. It's going to be building with him in the next couple of weeks but he is somebody who can give something extra to the team.

Is there an excitement for you to see how your team reacts in the next round of games?

For sure. It's been a really interesting first four weeks. I gave several challenges to the team and every time they reacted really well. There were some challenges along the way also, for example, our game at Ibrox against Hearts where we came back in the last five minutes. The team reacted really well in a mental way and physical way to score these two goals in five minutes at the end of the game and be pushing all the time. There will be more games like that in the next couple of weeks where we need to be at our top and we need to be strong in the head and the legs. Together with good movement and good confidence, with changing players, because creating these connections between players is timing the right runs together, the right work with and without the ball, that everybody understands the story we want to do so we're totally focused in that with he players, with the staff, with everybody. In training, we're creating new connections between players. If you do it always with the same players, it's easier. In this period, we need to change so everybody needs to be ready with each other to play. Every player has his special qualities so to create this connection, it's really important.

Will Nico Raskin be back in the next couple of weeks?

The next couple of weeks, for sure. It's not a long thing anymore but he's not ready for the weekend. He didn't train with the team until now.