Philippe Clement spoke to the media after the friendly with FC Copenhagen at Ibrox. Here is what he had to say.

What do you take from the game as an exercise overall?

A lot. This was the end of a very intense training week where we put a big load on the team to make them physically better. They showed the right things. I think everybody that saw the game saw a good tempo on the ball, two really good goals and several really good actions and chances. I am happy about the way we finished the two goals because we have been working hard on that. That is for sure a point that we can improve from the last couple of months. On the other side also a few players come out of long-term injury. We couldn’t train them fully like the rest of the squad but they are coming, getting better, and they could take some minutes also. They are also on the right track and we had several young players out of the academy with us this week to make them better, to let them learn the story with how we want to play. I wanted to give them the experience also because this is the highest level they ever played. They showed good things. OK, the two goals we take they also don’t know everything yet but that is impossible in one week. That is why they need these experiences, to make faults and to learn how to do that. Otherwise is was the perfect evening I think.

Had you hoped to have had more bodies through the door?

Yes, everybody is aligned about that. We need a few more in certain positions. I know everybody in the club who is involved in that is working day and night about that. We are in contact a lot. It has been really busy with those things, but until a signature is set by three parties, the player, us and the other team, it is not done.

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So I am waiting and I am focused on the players who are here. Besides all the talks that we are having with players, I am looking at other players. That is my job to do in January. That is why for every manager when it is February 1 we are always very happy that this hectic period is over.

Do you feel you are getting closer to doing deals?

I get this question already a few times, but what is closer? As long as there is not a deal you are not closer or further away. There are some things close but it needs to be finished.

Do you expect Ridvan to still be with the club by the time the window ends?

I cannot respond on that for any player who is here. I am busy with one thing. Everybody who is here is a player of Rangers and I commit fully with all the staff to get the best out of them. But for every player at Rangers if there comes an offer that cannot be refused or is a good thing for the club then we need to discuss it. At the moment that is not the case. Ridvan is here and he started the game.

Is he a player you would like to keep if you can?

We will see. Players also need to show they really want to be here in the next couple of months. We need to be prepared for everything, for every position also and make sure that we have solutions. That is one position that we have two players. One is end of contract, the other one there is a lot of rumours around. So it is clear that we need to be ready for that position.

Will you only sell if you have a replacement lined up?

We cannot go on in three competitions with one left full-back. That is correct. And in other positions it is the same.

Is it frustrating how long it is taking to get transfers over the line?

That is a nice question! Maybe when I was 20 years younger I would respond in the way you want! No. I know this period, it is nothing new. One of the reasons I came to this club was the talks with everybody inside the club who takes decisions was really good. I would be involved in everything and that is the case. I hear every detail about every talk and everything that is going closer to signing or not. I know everything. I cannot ask for more.

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I know that everybody is working day and night. I see it also in the hours that they call me or send me messages. I am not frustrated. I want the best for the club, I want the best for the group and I know everybody is working really hard for that. If it is tomorrow or it is January 31, that is difficult because we don’t control those things. We can only work really hard for them.

Are the players refreshed and ready to go for the rest of the season?

I think everybody has seen 22 players on the pitch today giving their maximum, giving everything for the club, some in positions that are not theirs also. Cole played left winger, that is not his best position but it is a good experience to play at this level and there were no other wingers available for this game. Leon King playing right full-back, for example, and doing his best in that position and playing a good game. That is our main force for the moment, that everyone is working very hard, everybody is there for the team and not for themselves. I will keep that under control. If somebody thinks for himself he will not be part of the team to start. That is also clear for them and they all feel good in that way. I think the most important thing of this week - next to building a better physical load, but we cannot change a lot in one week, that is impossible and we need several months to make that situation better – was that we had with almost all the players individual talks.

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I told them afterwards that I do it everywhere every time in this period and also in the summer and it has been the most open and honest and truthful talks I had with a squad about their own working points, about what they can do better, about what they did well, about the club, about what we can make better as a staff and all the things around them. It was super interesting and it has been a very intense week for myself and my staff. We had these talks every evening from 8pm until 11pm and then afterwards making the training for the next day. So we miss some sleep but I am really satisfied with what I saw because this group, with a lot of young lads, is in the right direction and it is important to keep our ship going in the right direction.

Can you give us an update on Ben Davies?

He is still injured. He's working individually with the physios but he's not there yet to train with the group. I expected him back this week but it's not the case. The medical staff work with the players and some recover really fast, others a little bit slower. Keiran Dowell was not here because he got injured in La Manga. He will be out for several weeks, I think around two months. That's long term and that's a big blow.

How encouraging is it to have those midfield options available?

I want everybody fit. I have a really good track record in that way in that all my teams until I came here I had an availability at the end of the season of more than 90 per cent of the players in the training and in the games. That is what I want to create here also. But we need to change to get that a few things in the club. We are really busy with that to make things better.